Enjoy Traveling Best place in Nepal


It is the birthplace of Lord Buddha which is located at Kapilavastu district of Nepal, near the Indian border.We can reach this place in about twenty minute drive from Siddartha Nagar.

This place is the center of holy faith of Buddhists all over the world.  It is the place where Queen Mayadevi is said to have given birth to Siddhartha Gautama, who in turn, as the Buddha Gautama, gave birth to the Buddhist tradition. There are lots of temples, including the Mayadevi temple,Great Drigung Kagyud Lotus Stupa, Myanmar Golden Temple, other various Buddhist temples and monasteries from different countries are the attraction of this place.Ashok Pillar, Peace Pagoda, Shanti Deep ( Peace Eternal Flame) are also the point of attraction. The most significant spot of the palace is the eastern gate from where Prince Siddhartha Gautam departed on his Quest of 'Essence for human life'.Good to moderate facilities are available for food and accommodation in Lumbini.