Enjoy Traveling Best place in Nepal


Pokhara is the second largest city and situate around 200 km west from Kathmandu.It is a place of remarkable beauty.Three out of ten highest mountain in the world are situated with in fifty kilometer of the city.The serene lakes with deep blue color water and reflecting the images of snow capped mountain makes the place so attractive.Its pristine air and surrounding greenery make it ‘the jewel in the Himalaya'.
We can have close view of Himalayan from northern skyline.Proximity to Annapurna mountain range and Jomsom makes the place best for trekking.With the head of Annapurna range and the serenity of three major lakes – Phewa, Rupa and Begnas – Pokhara becomes the ultimate destination for relaxation.
Pokhara has numerous museums,fascinating caves, waterfalls and Tibetan villages in the surrounding hills.These place makes you busy if you are not dedicated to trekking.Pokhara offers a number  of adventure activities, from trekking and microlight flights to jungle safaris and river rafting. Paragliding from Sarangkot viewpoint has to be one of the most thrilling experiences in the subcontinent.Boating on the beautiful lakes, cycling on the clean roads are other activity of interest.
Barahi temple,Bindhyabasini Temple ,Mudula Karki Kulayan Mandir, Bhadrakali Temple, Kedareshowrn Temple,Kumari Temple,Sitaladevi Temple,Akalaa Temple, world peace pagoda, matepani gumba are the ng placreligiously attracting places in Pokhara.Fewa lake, Rupa lake, Begnas lake,Seti Khola,Gude Lake, Neurani Lake,Deepang Lake,Maidi Lake,Khastey Lake,Mahendra cave, Bat cave, Gupteswor cave, Seti george,Sarankot are the gift of nature which makes Pokhara a city of beauty.

Pokhara is the green and clean city with gift of natural beauty so it is the best choice for traveler.