Enjoy Traveling Best place in Nepal

Kala Patthar

Kala Patthar is a name given in Nepali or Hindi Language whose meaning is black Rock. This place is situated in the lap of the world highest peak i.e. Mount Everest. This place is consider as the best view point in Nepal.We can enjoy the view of Everest from its base camp to peak from this place. We can also view the beauty of Mt. Amadablam from this place. It is a black rocky hill which background is covered by snow capped Pumori mountain. 

It takes around eleven days and ten night to visit this place from Kathmandu. During the first day of our tour we reach to Lukla airport from Kathmandu and start our journey. We have to spend our first night in Phakding.On second day our journey goes on crossing green hills and small villages of Sherpa's Community.We reached to Namche Bazar on second day and visit whole Namche Bazar in third day. On fourth day our journey continues to Tengboche. Although the path is difficult but nature and its beauty force us to lost in it. Spending a night in Lobuche we reach to our destination Kala patthar on seventh day of our journey.

Due to the structure of Mt. Everest, we can not view Mt. Everest from the base camp but from this very place we can enjoy the view of Mt. Everest from top to bottom. Area covered with snow capped mountain and the rays of sun reflecting on the surface of snow capped mountain makes it look as if we are in the heaven. The chilling weather makes us feel as if a part of heaven is dropped to this place. From this place we can enjoy the view of Nuptse Nup II , Changtse and the northern flank and summit of Lhotse.

The area is not only the famous for hiking, trekking, expedition and climbing but also for the typical Sherpa culture. This is a really amazing place and if you love to travel and explore the nature than you must have to visit this place.