Enjoy Traveling Best place in Nepal

Kailali District

Kailali District is one of the District situated in Far West Development Region in Seti Zone.It Is one of the District situated in Terai of Seti Zone. This place is famous for its own natural beauty , bio diversity and cultural importance. It Covers an area of Three Thousand Two Hundred and Thirty...

Dewalhaat Shiva Mandir

Dewalhaat Shiva Mandir is situated in Dasharathchand Municipality Baitadi, and it is one of the holiest place of Baitadi district. We can reach to this place from the bus station of Baitadi on foot in around half hour. This place is situated just below the Gadi. Dewalhaat Shiva Temple has its own important. It is believed that this temple is constructed by Five Pandav's in a single night while they...

Baitadi District

Baitadi District is situated in far western part of Nepal in Mahakali Zone. It covers an area of one thousand four hundred and fifty one square kilometer. This place is bordered by Mahakali river in west, Darchula in north, Bajhang and Doti district in east and Dadeldhura in south. There is wide...

Saptari District

Saptari District is one of the district situated in eastern part of Nepal in Sagarmatha Zone.  It covers an area of One thousand three hundred and sixty three square meter and is bordered by Sapta Koshi River in east, Balaha River in west, Udayapur district in north and India in south....